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97+ Coffee Industry Statistics For 2024 (how many people drink coffee)

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I’ve dug deep into our data and sourced from other reliable studies to give you a comprehensive view of the coffee world, with data about everything coffee related. 

Our article presents validated insights on coffee trends. Mostly from the US, but also from the UK, Canada, India, Australia, Europe, Singapore, and more. As well as worldwide data. 

Let’s dive in. First our infographics!

US Coffee Stats – Key Takeaways

us coffee stats 2 1

Global Coffee Stats – Key Takeaways

global coffee stats

Country-Specific Coffee Stats – Key Takeaways 

country specific coffee stats

The Future of Coffee – Key Takeaways

the future of coffee


Welcome to our exploration of the coffee world. It’s a journey from bean to cup, touching corners of the globe.

Our Data-Driven Approach

We’ve gone far and wide for this study. Our team dug deep into our own datasets and sifted through countless reports and surveys. The goal? To compile the most accurate, up-to-date coffee statistics.

Scope of the Investigation

We start at home, exploring America’s coffee consumption habits. We look at who’s drinking, how much, and what types. But we don’t stop there. Our analysis expands to the global stage, comparing and contrasting coffee cultures around the world.

We’re also future-gazing, spotting emerging trends in coffee consumption. Think ethical sourcing, gourmet brews, and coffee technology.

Whether you’re a casual coffee drinker, a hardcore enthusiast, or a professional in the coffee industry, we’ve brewed this report just for you. 

Time to dive in.

The Coffee Phenomenon in the United States

Embark on our deep dive into the complex world of America’s coffee culture.

How Many Americans Drink Coffee Daily?

A staggering 220 million Americans include coffee in their daily routine. [1]

That’s over half of the US population or about 66%, equating to over two-thirds of the adult population.

It’s a testament to coffee’s integral role in American life, far beyond a simple morning jolt—it’s a daily ritual, a moment of relaxation, and a catalyst for social connection.

Coffee Consumption by Age and Gender

Coffee’s appeal is universal across different demographic segments. Around 70% of seniors treasure their daily coffee rituals. [2] 

Among young adults aged 18-24, an impressive 51% are devoted coffee drinkers. [3]

Interestingly, coffee knows no gender bounds. Nearly equally favored by both men and women, with slightly more men drinking coffee compared to females. [4]

Average Cups of Coffee Consumed Per Day in the US

The American coffee lover averages 3.1 cups each day. [5] This individual habit leads to a mind-boggling national total of over 682 million cups consumed daily. 

This is the largest consumption if the world. [6] 

Coffee Types and Brew Preferences in the US

The taste palette of American coffee lovers is diverse and ever-evolving. Traditional drip coffee still resonates with around 41% of coffee drinkers. 

Followed by single-cup systems (28%), cold brewing (9%), and espresso machines (8%). [7

Espresso-based beverages, including cappuccinos, lattes, and macchiatos, have captivated about 30% of the market. [8]

Innovative styles like cold brew and nitro coffee are gaining momentum, already favored by 15% of the coffee-drinking population. [9]

Impact of Seasonality on Coffee Consumption

Coffee consumption in the US ebbs and flows with the seasons. There’s a notable 20% surge during the colder months. [10]

Seasonal specials—pumpkin spice lattes, gingerbread coffees, and peppermint mochas—are significant drivers behind this increase, adding a festive twist to the coffee scene.

The Role of Coffee in the Workplace

The majority of coffee consumption, around 65%, takes place during work during breakfast hours at work. [11]

Coffee is not just a beverage; it’s an essential part of the American workday, especially among professions such as journalists, scientists, PR, and education, reportedly the most caffeinated fields. [12]

Economic Impact of the Coffee Industry in the US

The coffee industry is a powerhouse in the US economy. In 2015 it was calculated that it contributed an enormous $225 billion annually to the US GDP, accounting for 1.6% of the total US economy. [13]

If we take that number times the growth since, which is 28%. We can calculate that in 2022, coffee contributed 288 billion annually to the US GDP.

The industry also supports nearly 1.7 million jobs across the country in 2015. [14]

While updated numbers have yet to be released, we can calculate, based on the growth of the industry, that in 2022, it should be around 2.176 million jobs. 

However, take that number with a grain of salt, as it’s only a rough estimate.

These jobs span across a vast array of roles, from coffee farmers, roasters, packers, to baristas, cafe owners, coffee machine manufacturers, and coffee researchers. It paints a vivid picture of the industry’s profound socioeconomic impact.

Coffee Shop Brands Dominating the US Market

Exploring the US shop coffee landscape wouldn’t be complete without recognizing the key players. 

Starbucks leads the pack, with a whopping 40% market share. Dunkin’ Donuts follows closely behind, capturing 26% of the market. 

Local cafes and boutique coffee shops make up the remaining market, contributing to the diverse coffee experiences across the country. [15]

Coffee Brands Dominating the US Market

Here is an overview of the Coffee brand that dominate the US market. [16]

  1. Folgers: Owned by The J.M. Smucker Co., Folgers holds a 22.6% share of the US coffee market as of 2023. The company
  2. y, known for their “The best part of wakin’ up is Folgers in your cup” jingle, offers a wide range of products from ground coffee to K-cup pods and instant coffee.
  3. Starbucks: While most recognized for their coffeehouses, Starbucks also offers packaged coffee products, contributing to their 14.7% share of the US coffee market. Their products range from whole bean to ground coffee, instant coffee, and ready-to-drink beverages.
  4. Keurig Green Mountain: Known for their single-serve K-Cup pods, Keurig Green Mountain controls 11.9% of the US coffee market. They offer a wide variety of flavors and blends, with their own brands as well as partnerships with other coffee companies.
  5. Nestlé: While primarily known for Nescafé, their instant coffee brand, Nestlé also produces a number of other coffee products, including Nespresso. They hold a 10.2% share of the US coffee market.
  6. The Kraft Heinz Company: Known for their Maxwell House brand, The Kraft Heinz Company holds a 9.9% share of the US coffee market. Maxwell House offers a variety of ground and instant coffees, as well as coffee concentrates.
  7. JAB Holding Company: A conglomerate that owns several coffee brands, including Peet’s Coffee, Caribou Coffee, and Jacobs Douwe Egberts, JAB has an 8.7% market share in the US.

These companies, with their diverse product offerings, continue to shape the coffee landscape in the US. From traditional ground coffee to innovative coffee pods, these brands cater to the evolving tastes and preferences of American coffee consumers.

Impact of Coffee on Productivity in the US

In the US, coffee and productivity go hand in hand. A majority of workers, approximately 70%, believe their work performance improves after a coffee break. [17

In fact, regular coffee breaks are advocated by many companies as a way to enhance overall productivity, collaboration, and job satisfaction.

The Rise of Home Brewing in the US

While grabbing a coffee from a local cafe or a drive-through is a cherished routine, home brewing has been gaining popularity. It’s estimated that 79% of coffee consumed in the US is prepared at home. [18]

This trend is likely driven by a combination of factors such as convenience, cost-effectiveness, and the desire for a personalized coffee experience. The pandemic also likely played a role, as many people started working from home.

The Influence of Social Media on Coffee Culture in the US

Social media has significantly impacted coffee consumption habits in the US. Platforms like Instagram have made coffee more than just a beverage. It’s a lifestyle, with 30 million posts tagged #coffee at the end of 2022.

These platforms have also helped in spreading the popularity of new coffee trends, like whipped coffee (Dalgona coffee) and rainbow lattes. 

As social media continues to play a large role in our daily lives, its influence on coffee culture is expected to grow even further.

The Pivotal Role of Coffee in US College Life

In the US, coffee is synonymous with college life. Around 70% of college students consume coffee regularly. [19

Many students view coffee as a ‘study aid’ that helps them stay awake and alert, especially during exams. 

The college coffee culture has contributed significantly to the overall growth of coffee consumption in the US.

Global Coffee Production

From the sprawling plantations of Brazil to the high-altitude terraces of Colombia, global coffee production forms a fascinating mosaic of cultures, flavors, and trade. 

Here, we delve into key aspects of coffee production worldwide.

Infographics on Coffee Production

Figure 1: The Global Coffee Production Process and Its Major Contributors

As a multifaceted process, coffee production varies based on numerous factors such as climate, altitude, and bean type. Our infographic provides an illustrative overview of the steps involved in producing coffee – from planting to cup.

Top Coffee-Producing Nations 

As of 2024, the top coffee-producing countries and their shares in global production are: [20]

  • Brazil: With an estimated annual production of around 3,009,402 tons, Brazil leads the coffee production by a large margin. It accounts for approximately 35% of the world’s coffee output, marking it as a pivotal player in the global coffee landscape.
  • Vietnam: Mainly producing the Robusta variety, Vietnam is the second-largest coffee producer. It contributes to nearly 20% of the world’s coffee, or 1,683,971 tons.
  • Colombia: Famous for its high-quality Arabica coffee, Colombia sits as the third-largest coffee producer globally. It supplies approximately 9% of the world’s coffee, or 885,120 tons.

These three countries alone contribute to nearly two-thirds of the world’s coffee production, highlighting their significant roles in our daily caffeine indulgence.

Key Varieties of Coffee Beans

In the wide array of coffee species, two main varieties reign supreme: [21]

  • Arabica: Known for its smooth, nuanced flavor, Arabica accounts for about 60% of global coffee production.
  • Robusta: Cherished for its bold flavor and high caffeine content, Robusta constitutes nearly 40% of worldwide coffee production.

Other notable coffee varieties include:

  • Liberica: Native to West Africa, Liberica coffee beans are rare and make up less than 2% of the world’s coffee production. They are known for their unique aromatic profile, which often includes floral and fruity notes, and a full body with a smoky taste.
  • Excelsa: Excelsa beans, largely grown in Southeast Asia, are recognized for their tart, fruity, and occasionally spicy flavors. While some debate whether Excelsa is a separate species or a variant of Liberica, there’s no denying its unique contribution to the world of coffee.

These varieties further enrich the global coffee palette, adding depth and variety to the world’s favorite morning ritual.

Charts of Coffee Prices Over Time

Figure 2: Trends in Global Coffee Prices

Coffee prices have witnessed considerable fluctuation over the years. 

These fluctuations have been shaped by various elements, such as changes in weather patterns, outbreaks of diseases like coffee rust, and shifts in market demand. 

The chart above illustrates the evolution of coffee prices over the past decade.

Global Coffee Consumption

From the bustling coffee houses of Vienna to the traditional tea and coffee shops of Istanbul, global coffee consumption paints a vibrant picture of cultural diversity and shared love for this cherished beverage. 

Let’s delve into the world’s coffee consumption habits and trends.

Coffee Consumption Demographics 

Global coffee consumption demographics reveal a fascinating interplay of age, income, and lifestyle factors. 

Young adults aged 18-34 are the most active coffee consumers, accounting for approximately 40% of the global coffee consumption. 

The remaining 60% is relatively evenly distributed across all age groups above 35. [22]

The level of income also plays a significant role. In general, high-income households tend to consume more specialty coffee, while medium and low-income households lean towards traditional brews. [23]

How Many People Drink Coffee Globally? 

As of 2024, an estimated 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide every day. That’s nearly one cup for every three people on Earth daily. [24]

What Percentage of People Worldwide Drink Coffee? 

Approximately 60% of the world’s adult population indulges in coffee. This means that out of the 8.05 billion people worldwide, nearly 4.83 billion are coffee drinkers. [25]

This statistical overview provides a glimpse into the immense scale and diversity of global coffee consumption.

Coffee Consumption: East vs. West 

Interestingly, coffee culture varies significantly between the East and the West. 

In Western countries, coffee is typically consumed at home or in coffee shops, with a clear preference for fresh-brewed over instant coffee. [26]

Contrastingly, in many Eastern countries, especially in Asia, instant coffee holds a larger market share. 

This is gradually changing with the rise of coffee shop culture and increasing demand for freshly brewed coffee, especially among younger consumers.

Coffee Consumption: Urban vs. Rural 

Urbanization also plays a part in coffee consumption trends. In urban areas, there’s a higher consumption of coffee, particularly of specialty coffees (like espresso, Cappuccino and Latte), given the concentration of coffee shops and the faster-paced lifestyle. 

Rural areas, on the other hand, tend to lean more towards traditional brewing methods and home consumption. [27]

Coffee Consumption by Day of the Week 

Globally, coffee consumption is relatively consistent throughout the week, with a slight increase during weekdays. 

This spike is largely associated with coffee’s role in the workplace environment, serving as a stimulant to kick-start productivity.

Country-Specific Coffee Statistics

Each country has its unique coffee culture and dynamics in production and consumption. Let’s explore these fascinating variations in our country-specific coffee statistics.

United Kingdom 

Despite being historically a tea-loving nation, the UK is currently the 9th largest coffee consumer in the world, consuming around 95 million cups of coffee per day. 

The UK also accounts for 2.8% of the global coffee consumption, with specialty coffees like lattes and cappuccinos being particularly popular. [28]


Canada ranks 10th globally in coffee consumption, with approximately 14 billion cups consumed annually. In terms of production, Canada has no coffee plantations due to its unfavorable climate, relying entirely on imports. [29]


India ranks 7th in the world for coffee production and 11th for consumption, demonstrating a rising coffee trend, especially in urban areas. 

While the per capita coffee consumption is still relatively low at 85 grams per year, the upward trend is promising. [30]


Australia is known for its high-quality coffee culture but does not rank among the top countries in consumption or production due to its smaller population. 

Australians, however, have one of the highest per capita consumption rates in the world at 1.875 kg annually. [31]



Germany stands as Europe’s largest coffee consumer and the world’s 5th, with Germans drinking an average of 162 liters of coffee per person per year. 

It’s also the world’s 3rd largest coffee importer, importing approximately 1.2 million metric tons of green coffee annually. [32]


France ranks 11th in the world for coffee consumption. 

The café au lait, a combination of coffee and hot milk, is a traditional French coffee drink commonly consumed during breakfast. [33]


Italy, known as the birthplace of espresso, ranks 8th in coffee consumption globally, despite its smaller population. Its per capita consumption is 5.8 kg annually, making it one of the highest in the world. [34]


Spain stands as the 20th largest coffee consumer in the world. 

Spanish coffee is strong, and the most common way to drink coffee is café con leche, equal parts of coffee and steamed milk. [35]


Brazil, the world’s largest coffee producer, is also a major consumer, ranking 14th globally. 

It produces about a third of the world’s coffee, making up 37% of global production. [36]


Colombia ranks 3rd in global coffee production and 51st in consumption. 

Despite its high-quality coffee reputation, Colombians traditionally drink tinto, a small, sweetened black coffee. [37]


Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee, ranks 5th in global coffee production and 60th in consumption. 

The Ethiopian coffee ceremony is a notable cultural practice, involving the ritualized preparation and consumption of coffee. [38]


Vietnam, the second-largest coffee producer globally, ranks 73rd in consumption. 

Their traditional coffee, ca phe sua da (iced milk coffee), is unique, brewed with a small metal French drip filter and mixed with condensed milk. [39]


Japan ranks 4th globally in coffee consumption, consuming over 7.1 million bags annually. 

Canned coffee, coffee-flavored sweets, and meticulously brewed pour-over coffee are some of the unique trends in Japan. [40]

Coffee and Sustainability

As coffee consumption continues to soar globally, it’s essential to understand its environmental implications.

Current State of Sustainable Coffee Production

Sustainable coffee refers to methods and practices of coffee cultivation that are environmentally friendly and economically viable over the long term. 

As of 2024, approximately 12% of global coffee production follows sustainable practices. [41]

Countries like Brazil, Colombia, and Ethiopia have made significant strides in promoting sustainability in their coffee production. 

Some initiatives include switching to organic farming methods, reducing the use of pesticides, implementing better waste management practices, and encouraging biodiversity.

The Rise of Fair-Trade Coffee

Fair-trade coffee ensures that producers receive fair compensation for their work and encourages sustainable farming practices. 

Globally, the volume of fair-trade coffee has seen a dramatic rise, growing from 80,000 tons in 2004 to nearly 440,000 tons in 2022. [42]

Countries like Peru, Colombia, and Honduras lead in fair-trade coffee production. Additionally, the demand for fair-trade coffee is highest in the UK, US, and Germany, with consumers becoming more aware and appreciative of ethically sourced products.

As our consumption habits continue to shape the coffee industry’s future, it’s crucial to support sustainable practices. Not only will it help protect our environment, but it will also ensure the livelihoods of millions of coffee farmers worldwide.

Health Effects of Coffee Consumption

Coffee is not just a popular beverage; it has several potential health benefits as well.

Regular coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes [56]. Studies have shown that for each cup of coffee consumed daily, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes decreases by 7%. [43]

Drinking coffee may also reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, including liver and colorectal cancer. [44]

A link between coffee consumption and heart health has also been established, with moderate consumption associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease. [44]

On the mental health front, coffee consumption is correlated with a lower risk of depression and may enhance cognitive function. [45] The caffeine in coffee is known to help increase alertness and improve mood.

However, it’s important to note that these benefits largely depend on moderate consumption (3-4 cups per day) and individual health conditions. 

It’s always recommended to discuss your coffee intake with your healthcare provider, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant. [46]

Please note that while these health benefits have been observed in various studies, more research is needed to fully understand the complex relationship between coffee and health.

Coffee vs. Tea Consumption: A Global Perspective 

The debate between coffee and tea is a global one, with some regions preferring a morning cup of joe, while others lean towards the soothing properties of tea.

The United States, for example, favors coffee, with 79% of adults drinking coffee compared to 75% consuming tea. [47] 

Conversely, the United Kingdom, famously known for its tea culture, reports 84% drinking tea, and slightly less than 77% drink coffee. [48]

Interestingly, countries like China and India, traditionally tea-dominant, are witnessing a growing coffee culture. 

In 2021, China’s coffee market grew by 31% over the previous year and is projected to increase at an annual growth rate of 9.63 percent between 2022 and 2025. [49]

India, on the other hand, has seen a rise of 5% in the same period. [50]

Globally, however, tea still leads the race. Roughly 80% of the world’s population drinks tea, compared to 57% who drink coffee. [51]

These preferences reflect cultural traditions, changing lifestyles, and the influence of global coffee chains.

Yet, the data also reveals a unique trend: the world isn’t choosing one over the other. Instead, coffee and tea cultures are coexisting and even converging, leading to exciting innovations like tea-infused coffees and coffee leaf teas.

As we move further into the 21st century, the coffee industry is set to experience significant changes and exciting innovations. Let’s explore the major trends shaping the future of coffee.

Evolving Consumer Preferences

From specialty coffees to ethical sourcing, consumer preferences in the coffee market are evolving rapidly.

Millennials and Gen Z consumers are driving a surge in demand for high-quality, specialty coffees. 

Over 60% of consumers aged 18-24 reported regularly purchasing specialty coffee beverages, a significant increase compared to older generations. [52]

Consumers are also increasingly conscious about the origin and sustainability of their coffee. Over half of all coffee drinkers now prefer coffee that is ethically sourced and certified fair trade.

Growth Opportunities and Challenges

Despite the robust growth, the coffee industry also faces some challenges. Climate change poses a significant threat to coffee production, with rising temperatures and changing weather patterns impacting crop yields.

On the other hand, technological advancements present significant opportunities for the coffee industry. From innovative brewing methods to “smart” coffee machines, technology is reshaping the coffee experience.

Coffee Industry Growth Infographics

Despite the challenges, the global coffee market is expected to grow. Projections indicate that by 2030, the global coffee market could be worth over $600 billion, up from $465 billion in 2022. [53]

This growth is driven by increased consumption, especially in emerging markets like China and India, and the rising popularity of specialty coffees and sustainable practices.

However, the future of coffee is not just about growth. It’s also about adapting to changing consumer preferences, tackling sustainability issues, and harnessing technology to enhance the coffee experience. The coffee industry is indeed brewing a strong and exciting future!


Throughout this exploration of the vibrant world of coffee, we’ve unearthed intriguing statistics and trends. From individual habits to global impact, the humble coffee bean certainly carries significant weight.

The Takeaway from Our Coffee Statistics Analysis 

The United States and Brazil emerge as major players in the world of coffee, with the former leading in consumption and the latter in production. 

However, the global coffee landscape is vast and diverse, with every country adding its unique flavor to the mix.

The rise of coffee consumption among younger generations, paired with shifting preferences towards specialty and ethically-sourced coffees, indicates a bright future for the industry. 

Despite challenges such as climate change, opportunities like technological advancements present avenues for growth and innovation.

With the global coffee market projected to reach over $600 billion by 2030, the importance of this beloved beverage cannot be overstated. 

As we move forward, the evolving trends in coffee consumption, production, and sustainability will continue to shape our world in surprising ways.

So, as you enjoy your next cup of coffee, take a moment to appreciate the intricate tapestry of factors that brought it to your table.

Last Words

Did you find our exploration of coffee statistics interesting? Our data-driven insights are free to use and share!

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Thanks for being part of our coffee-loving community. We’re brewing more content and can’t wait to share our next cup of coffee knowledge with you!

P.S. Have a suggestion for our next topic or want to share your coffee experiences? Reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you.

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Tim Lee is, as you might have guessed the founder of He is a former barista and a professional web publisher. He has now combined his knowledge and expertise in both subjects to create
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1 thought on “97+ Coffee Industry Statistics For 2024 (how many people drink coffee)”

  1. I am Dr Saman Hettiarachchi former Director/CEO of the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka established in 1925, following coffee wipe out in then Ceylon with coffee rust disease. Currently I am attached to Richard Pieris & Company as the Director/Head Agricultural Operations. This company already planted about 750 acres of coffee Arabica, a variety and envisage expanding by about another 1000 acres in 2024. I would like to gather statistics and explore market opportunities!!


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