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Every Type of Espresso Machine Boiler Compared

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Dual boiler espresso machines are best for businesses or serving large groups of people at home, but they cost a lot. Heat exchangers cost less, but can’t withstand constant use in a commercial setting. Single boilers will save you the most money but work well for making a drink or 2 daily.

As an espresso enthusiast, I want to know everything about espresso machines. That led me to write this piece that compares different boiler types.

In addition to comparing dual boilers, heat exchangers, and single boilers, I’ll talk about less common heating types like thermoblocks and who they’re best for.

Here is what we will cover:

Let’s dive in.

Key Takeaways

  • Dual boiler espresso machines work best for businesses.
  • Single boilers work best for folks on a budget.
  • Heat exchanges balance the pros & cons of the aforementioned, but work better for home use.
  • Other types of boilers (e.g., thermoblock) can heat much quicker, but ideal for home use.

Dual Boiler vs. Single Boiler vs. Heat-Exchangers

Let’s compare dual boilers, single boilers, and heat exchanges:

FeatureDual BoilerSingle BoilerHeat Exchanger
Number of boilers211
Brew boiler temperatureIndependently adjustableFixedVariable
Steam boiler temperatureIndependently adjustableFixedVariable
Ability to brew & steam simultaneouslyYesNoYes, but with some temperature fluctuation
Steam qualityExcellentGoodGood
Ease of useModerateEasyEasy
Best forEnthusiasts who want the best possible espresso or commercial useHome baristas who don’t need to make milk drinks oftenHome baristas who want a good balance of features & price

The following sections will compare the different types of boilers, their pros and cons, and information on less-common boiler types. By the time you’re done reading, you should have an idea of what type of boiler you want in your home or commercial espresso machine.

Types of Espresso Machine Boilers

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Every Type of Espresso Machine Boiler Compared 2

The following sections will explain what each boiler type is, their pros and cons, who they’re best for, and how long (on average) it takes for them to heat up.

All espresso machine boilers will have varying heat-up times. I’ll do my best to estimate how long, on average, it would take to heat up each boiler type. However, that ultimately lies within these factors:

  • Machine size & volume: Larger tanks take longer to heat.
  • Maintaining temperature stability: Often prioritized over speed on higher-end machines.
  • Materials: Brass & stainless steel tanks take longer to heat than aluminum.
  • Safety features: Perks like overpressure valves can contribute to longer heat-up times.
  • Heating power: More precise controls over heating result in taking longer to heat machine.

Let’s dive in.

1. Single Boiler Espresso Machines

A single boiler espresso machine is a boiler inside espresso machines that brews espresso and steams milk. The water used for brewing espresso and steaming milk is the same. And the temperature of the water can fluctuate as you switch between brewing and steaming.

Since the milk and espresso share the same water boiler, you can’t use a single tank to boil water and froth milk simultaneously. This weakness makes the machine only viable for home use for individuals who want to make single drinks.

These machines also cost the least out of all the boiler types. Making it an exceptional option for espresso lovers on a budget.

The time it takes for your boiler to heat up will depend on its size. Some single boiler machines will take 15 minutes to heat up. Others, 30 minutes [1]. Prosumer and high-end espresso machines typically take longer to heat up because of their large size and safety features.

Check out their pros and cons to see if they’re worth getting.

Pros & Cons of Single Boiler Machines

Let’s check out the advantages and disadvantages of single boiler espresso machines:


  • Less expensive: Less expensive than dual boilers & heat exchangers.
  • Simpler design: Have a simpler design than dual boilers, which can make them easier to maintain.
  • Good for occasional use: Good choice for people who make espresso occasionally.


  • Cannot brew & steam simultaneously: Inconvenient if you make a lot of milk-based drinks.
  • Temperature fluctuations: Can experience temperature fluctuations, which can affect the quality of your espresso.
  • Not ideal for high-volume use: They can struggle to keep up with the demand.

Machines with these boilers work best for espresso enthusiasts who want to make espresso for themselves. Or they work best for households who drink a cup or 2 of espresso daily.

They’re not ideal for businesses since they don’t heat up fast and can’t froth and brew simultaneously.

Let’s check out a machine that’ll heat quicker and allow you to brew and froth simultaneously.

2. Dual Boiler Espresso Machines

A dual boiler espresso machine has two separate boilers, one for brewing and one for steaming. This allows the device to maintain the correct temperature for brewing and steaming.

Dual boilers use two heating elements to heat the water in each boiler. The brewing boiler heats to a higher temperature, essential for extracting flavor from coffee grounds. The steaming boiler heats to a lower temperature, ideal for producing steam for frothing milk.

Dual boiler espresso machines are best for commercial use because they can handle a high volume of espresso drinks. They are also more consistent than single boiler espresso machines.

Important for businesses that need to ensure their espresso drinks are always made to the same standard.

Pros & Cons of Dual Boiler Machines

Explore the pros and cons of this boiler type:


  • Independent brew & steam temperatures: This allows you to precisely control the temperature of the water used for brewing & steaming.
    • Important for making great espresso & steamed milk.
  • Faster heat-up time: Heats up faster than single boilers or heat exchangers.
  • Less chance of temperature fluctuation: Because there are two separate boilers, there is less chance of the water temperature fluctuating during brewing or steaming.
  • More durable: More durable than single boilers or heat exchangers.


  • More expensive: More expensive than single boilers or heat exchangers.
  • Larger & heavier: Not suitable for all kitchens.
  • More complex: More complex than single boilers or heat exchangers; may require more maintenance & repair.

These machines are great for businesses since they last longer, have fewer chances of temperature fluctuations, heat up fast, and can froth and brew. I recommend this boiler type if you want to use the machine to serve many customers.

It’s also great for home use if you frequently entertain guests and need a means to serve them espresso quickly.

Here’s another boiler type that’s not-so-ideal for businesses, yet great for home use.

3. Heat Exchanger Espresso Machines

A heat exchanger is a large copper tube which passes through your boiler. A portion of this pipe sits in an area that heats your machine’s steam; and another that heats the water [2]. However, it’ll heat both elements separately. This allows you to froth milk and brew coffee simultaneously.

Machines with heat exchangers typically cost less than dual boilers but more than single boilers. However, they work better for homes that want to entertain guests and make back-to-back milk drinks.

It also has fewer parts than dual boilers due to using a single heating element.

But these machines don’t have as consistent temperatures as dual boiler machines due to how they steam and heat water. Making it unideal for commercial settings where consistency is critical.

Pros & Cons of Heat Exchanger Machines

And here are the advantages and disadvantages of heat exchanger machines:

  • Pros:
    • Can brew & steam milk simultaneously: Ideal for making milk-based espresso drinks.
    • More compact & affordable: Good option for home baristas with limited space or budget.
    • Easy to maintain: This can save you time & money in the long run.
  • Cons:
    • Not the best temperature control: This can make it more difficult to achieve the perfect espresso extraction.
    • Can be less efficient: This means they may use more energy.
      • Not as durable as dual boilers.

Heat exchanges aren’t ideal for businesses with constant foot traffic. Since they won’t have as consistent of temperatures and won’t withstand regular use as well as dual boilers.


They’re fantastic for home use if you frequently serve espresso to more than 2 people. Or if you’re your home’s sole espresso drinker and want a machine that’ll heat and make drinks quicker.

You have other less common options. Let’s check them out.

4. Other Types of Espresso Machine Boilers

Let’s compare other types of boilers not found in most espresso machines:

FeaturePID Controlled BoilerHX Boiler with PIDThermoblock Boiler
Temperature controlPrecise & consistentPrecise & consistentLess precise & consistent
Ability to brew & steam simultaneouslyYesYesNo
Steam qualityExcellentExcellentGood
Ease of useModerateModerateEasy
Best forEnthusiasts who want the best possible espresso & milk drinksHome baristas who want great espresso & milk drinksHome baristas who don’t need to make milk drinks often

The following sections will further compare the above options in the tables. If you’re looking for home-use alternatives to single boilers and heat exchanges, consider one of these boiler types.

1. PID Controlled Boilers

PID stands for Proportional-Integral-Derivative. It’s a control loop feedback mechanism used to maintain a desired temperature. Use this mechanism to maintain the correct temperature for brewing espresso.

They use a sensor to measure the temperature of the water in the boiler. The sensor sends a signal to the PID controller. It then calculates the adjustments to the heating element to maintain the desired temperature.

These boilers are best for espresso machines used in high-volume commercial settings. Since they’re excellent at making minor adjustments to temperature instantly.

They are also a good option for home baristas who want to make espresso drinks that are consistently delicious.

2. HX Boilers With PID

A heat exchange (HX) boiler with PID is an espresso machine with a heat exchanger boiler and a PID controller. The heat exchanger is a boiler that uses hot water from the boiler to heat the water used for brewing espresso. The PID controller is a device that maintains a constant temperature in the boiler.

This type of heating element isn’t ideal for commercial use since it relies on a single boiler. However, it’s great for home use.

3. Thermoblock

A thermoblock is a heating system used in some espresso machines (e.g., Nespresso machines). It consists of a block of metal with a heating element inside. Water passes through the block, and the heat from the heating element transfers to the water.

Thermoblock heating systems heat up in 30 to 60 seconds [3]. This is because they do not need to heat much water. They are also inexpensive, making them a good option for budget-minded espresso machine buyers.


Thermoblock heating systems do not offer the same level of temperature control as boilers. This can make it more challenging to achieve the perfect espresso extraction. Thermoblock heating systems can be more prone to scale buildup, which can affect the taste of the espresso.

Since these elements have contact with water for short periods, you may have issues with temperature stability and fluctuations. These issues could reduce consistency with your drinks.

This heating type works best for anyone at home or in an office who wants to make drinks quickly and isn’t too picky about taste. For instance, it’s perfect for college students who need a caffeine boost before class yet don’t have the time to wait for a boiler to heat.

What Is an Espresso Machine Boiler?

An espresso machine boiler is a closed chamber that heats water to the right temperature for brewing espresso. The boiler is typically made of copper or stainless steel and heated by an electric element.

The water heats to a temperature between 195 and 205 °F, which is ideal for brewing espresso. The heated water is then forced through the coffee grounds by a pump, resulting in a concentrated shot of espresso.


Single boilers offer the most affordable way to brew espresso for home baristas. However, heat exchange machines balance affordability and speed. But they don’t have as consistent temperatures as dual boilers.

Making double boilers the best for business use due to their high speed, consistent temperatures, and durable components.

Want to learn more about buying an espresso machine for your home or business? Explore our other guides.

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Tim Lee is, as you might have guessed the founder of He is a former barista and a professional web publisher. He has now combined his knowledge and expertise in both subjects to create
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2 thoughts on “Every Type of Espresso Machine Boiler Compared”

    • As far I know, no brand only uses stainless steel boilers. This will depend on the model.

      That said, generally speaking more high-end machines are more likely to use stainless steel boilers.

      Here are some brands that are known for using stainless steel boilers in their products.

      La Marzocco: A well-respected Italian brand, known for high-quality commercial machines often featuring stainless steel boilers.

      Rocket Espresso: Another premium brand, Rocket Espresso machines often come with stainless steel boilers.

      ECM: This German manufacturer is known for its high-quality machines, many of which feature stainless steel boilers.

      Profitec: Profitec is another brand that often uses stainless steel boilers in their espresso machines.

      Rancilio: Known for both commercial and prosumer machines, Rancilio also uses stainless steel boilers in many of their models.

      Breville/Sage: Especially in their higher-end models, Breville (known as Sage in some countries) often uses stainless steel boilers.


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