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4 Ways To Fixing Your Fiorenzato Grinder – Troubleshooting Guide

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This is an overview of different issues that Fiorenzato coffee grinders have and how to fix them. Keep reading to learn more.

As someone who’s experienced issues with grinders, I often had trouble finding documentation and tips. That inspired me to write this guide.

I’ll talk about the most common issues with Fiorenzato grinders, what causes them, and their solutions. Afterward, I’ll talk about what to do before maintenance and warnings to heed before taking apart your machine.

Here’s where the fun begins.

Key Takeaways

  • If grinds aren’t fine enough, season your burrs or replace them.
  • Fix jams by disassembling the machine & cleaning all the parts.

Most Common Fiorenzato Grinder Issues

The following sections will talk about different issues that Fiorenzato grinders typically have and how to fix them.

Read on to learn more.

1. Grinds Aren’t Fine Enough

You may have adjusted the grind adjustment collar to the finest setting possible, yet you still notice that your beans aren’t super fine.

If you’re buying the device second-hand, the seller may have sourced the incorrect burrs, which could result in such an issue. Contact the manufacturer and see what burrs you’d need.

Also, consider where you store your grinder. If it’s in a humid area, your burrs may attract moisture and worsen in condition. Store your device in a room with 30–60% humidity to avoid damage [1].

Another fix to consider is seasoning your burrs. To do this, use some cheap beans and grind a large quantity in a coarse setting. This will help to smooth out the burrs and create a more uniform grind distribution.

2. Dose is Not Correct

The dosing information on your screen may not appear correctly.

To fix this, follow these steps:

  1. Enter your menu by holding down the “double cup” button.
  2. Scroll through the options until reaching the “First Run” option.
  3. Select it & force the first run.
  4. Wait for your grinder to reboot.
  5. Set the correct weights of your single & double doses.
  6. Wait for your grinder to set the tare.
  7. Try a single & double dose & wait for the testing to complete.

Here’s a video of what I explained in case my description wasn’t clear:

3. Coffee Grinder Is Jammed

You may notice that no coffee is coming out of your coffee grinder when trying to grind. The jam likely comes from coffee grounds or other debris lodged into the upper and lower burrs.

To fix a jammed Fiorenzato coffee grinder, follow these steps:

  1. Unplug the grinder: Avoids any electrical hazards.
  2. Remove the hopper, grind adjustment wheel, & upper burr chamber: This will give you access to the lower burrs.
  3. Use a toothpick or other small object to dislodge any jammed coffee beans: Be careful not to damage the burrs.
  4. Clean the burrs & the grind chamber with a brush & compressed air: Remove any built-up coffee residue.
  5. Reassemble the grinder & grind 10–20 g of coffee beans on the coarsest setting: This will help to clear out any remaining coffee residue.

These steps help you clean your Fiorenzato grinder. Ensure you do this monthly to ensure smooth operation and great-tasting coffee.

You may have also set your grinder to too fine of a setting. Thus, the burrs may have more difficulty pushing beans through the machine.

If none of those worked, perhaps your portafilter is too close to the discharge chute. This may block beans from coming out.

I recommend always using a bellows to blow out beans before each use to prevent the likelihood of coffee bean buildup.

4. Buttons on Grinder Aren’t on

Some buttons on your grinder may become deselected or won’t power on at all. This could prevent you from getting a visual indication of what you’re pressing with your machine.

To fix it, enter your Fiorenzato grinder’s menu and scroll through the options until you reach “Grinding Mode.” From there, select and scroll through the options until reaching “direct.”

That’s all.

Wrapping Up

Most issues will require you to disassemble your machine to access your burrs. Whether you’re replacing or cleaning them. Otherwise, issues will come from the touchscreen options not working, which requires rebooting the machine.

Learn more about owning and operating Fiorenzato grinders in our other guides.

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Tim Lee is, as you might have guessed the founder of He is a former barista and a professional web publisher. He has now combined his knowledge and expertise in both subjects to create
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